
Everybody involved in the management, operation and maintenance of the Snowy Scheme Museum is a volunteer! Our volunteers give of their time freely because of their enduring commitment to tell the story of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme to as many people as possible.

We have regular volunteers who open the Museum at weekends, as well as others who assist with groups visiting the museum during week days. All training is provided to our volunteers, who may elect to assist us with front-of-house (reception, tours, introductory talks), back room (filing, preservation and conservation tasks, cleaning of exhibits, new exhibit installation, storage) or outdoor jobs (gardening, mowing, rubbish removal).

We can always use more volunteers - even if you can only spend a few hours per month or one day per year! So if you can spare any time to assist us with the multitude of tasks required to keep the Museum open and functioning well, please contact the management committee by emailing info@snowyschememuseum.com.au or by calling the museum on 02 6454 1643.

Buy a Paver

Buy a paver for the modest price of only $45, with discounts available if you order two or more ($40 each). Funds raised from the pavers go to help the Museum's work.

For Snowy Employees...

If you were employed on the Scheme during the construction years (1949 to 1974) as a worker or by a contractor, you may purchase a paver and have it engraved with your name and the years worked.

This paver will be a token of your involvement in the Snowy Scheme and form part of the "Remembrance Path".

Although many pavers have already been laid, it is not too late to order yours.

Remembrance Paver application form

For Museum Supporters...

Would like to have your name immortalised in our "Supporters Walk"? Purchase a Supporter's Paver and have it engraved with your name.

Supporter's Paver application form