Who's Who at the Museum

Our Patron: Mrs Jill Madew OAM

Jill Madew lives in Canberra. Jill has been recognised with an OAM for her work as the founding chairperson of the Adaminaby Snowy Scheme Collection committee, and her tireless work to establish the Snowy Scheme Museum in a bid to preserve machinery used to build Australia's biggest infrastructure project.

Management Committee

The Management Committee of the association of the  Adaminaby Snowy Scheme Collection Inc. comprises seven people who are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

The executive members of the Committee are the President, the Vice President, the Treasurer and the Secretary. The Committee includes three other elected members.

President: Tim Corkill

Tim Corkill lives in the Adaminaby District and is owner of a local accommodation business, and has lived at his property overlooking Lake Eucumbene since the early 1990s. Tim's background is in management and marketing.

Tim is the elected President of the Adaminaby Snowy Scheme Collection Inc. and chairperson of the Museum's Management Committee.

Tim is a regular weekend volunteer for the Museum and coordinator of the Museum's Building and Maintenance Committee. Tim enjoys being hands on, and has contributed in various building and maintenance projects, where his skills are in high demand to keep the Museum's buildings and grounds in excellent condition.

On behalf of the Museum, Tim is also responsible for public relations and liaison with tourism and business organisations throughout the Snowy Mountains region.

Vice President: John Bartell

John Bartell has over 30 years experience in operations and maintenance of hydro electric generation, transmission, large storage dams and water asset management. He spent many years working on the Snowy Scheme and at Dartmouth Dam in Victoria.

John brings a wealth of technical (electrical, civil & hydrological) knowledge and management experience to the skills base of the Museum's executive committee management.

He provides an invaluable link to both day to day and historical workings of the Snowy Scheme, and has introduced management procedures/policy and contributed to the strategic planning and future direction of the museum.

John is an active collector of Snowy memorabilia and old equipment to add to the museum's collection. John has been a member the Snowy Scheme Museum committee since 2011.

Secretary: Claire Middleton

Claire Middleton is an urban Planner who lives on a rural property close to Adaminaby. Claire had been involved with the Museum since 2002.

During the development phase of the Museum, Claire used her professional skills to obtain development approvals for the Museum’s building complex and continues to assist with the Committee’s on going development program.

Claire is responsible for managing all administrative tasks for the association of the Adaminaby Snowy Scheme Collection Inc. and for the coordination of the volunteers’ roster. Claire is a regular weekend volunteer at the Museum.

Honorary Curator: (Denis Shephard) John Bartell Acting

Denis Shephard has worked as a dairy farmer, a survey and civil design draftsman and, for seventeen years as a curator at the National Museum of Australia. In retirement he has worked as a volunteer at both the National Museum of Australia and, for ten years, at the National Library of Australia. He has also undertaken a number of curatorial consultancies.

Denis has been the Museum's Honorary Curator since January 2016.

As Curator, Denis is responsible for documenting the collection and providing input into exhibition matters. He and Tom Freece have catalogued the Museum’s collection of over 1500 items. The catalogue is regularly up-dated as more donations are received by the Museum. Denis also advises on sources of information about individuals who worked on the Snowy Scheme.

Committee member: Elizabeth Stephens

Elizabeth (Lilibet) Stephens is a long term resident and grazier from Adaminaby.

Lilibet is manager of the Museum’s Op shop, located in Adaminaby’s main street. Lilibet is responsible for the Op shop’s popularity and profitability, and the coordination of an enthusiastic team of regular local volunteers. All income from the Op shop provides essential funding to cover the Museum’s running costs.

Lilibet is dedicated to the communities of Adaminaby and is President of the local branch of the Red Cross. Lilibet is also a talented artist and coordinator of the Adaminaby Art Group.

Committee member: Thomas Frece

Thomas is a member of the Management Committee and because of his comprehensive knowledge of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme, he is a valuable assistant to the Museum’s Honorary Curator.

Thomas worked for the Snowy Mountains Authority from 1963 to 1998 when he retired. During this period he was trained and worked as an Hydrographer, first in the field and later as a member of the Operations Planning Section after the completion of the construction of the Scheme.

Thomas’s duties involved collecting and processing stream flow and meteorological data. This information was/is used to operate and maintain the Scheme.

Committee member: Ross McKinney

Ross McKinney joined the Management Committee in 2022. He is a highly regarded specialist in nature conservation management, emergency response advice and assistance, and in the development of eco-tourism products and services. Ross’s employment experience has included strategic and operational leadership positions where he gained extensive knowledge & practical experience in interpreting & applying legislation, regulations & agreements to develop policy and manage operations.

Ross has undertaken numerous interviews to supplement the Museum’s oral history collection. He has successfully obtained grant moneys to assist with this time consuming but deeply satisfying role that provides valuable contributions to the historical records of the Scheme.